PD Hub Ph值:616. 365-2235
直接Ph: 616.365.2231
我的职责是 ensure that you, 参与者, have a pleasant and satisfactory experience while working with the PD Hub. Our department helps coordinate all workshop offerings, from initial inception through completion of the course. We 提供 enrollment assistance, 成绩单, 收据, 发票, 退款, and any other accommodations you may need. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have and I will be happy to assist you.
直接Ph: 616-301-8847
我的职责是 提供 educators with professional learning assistance. If you are looking for professional learning opportunities, have questions about a course, need assistance with registration, need a receipt for your payment, or anything related to professional learning, 我是来帮忙的.
PD Hub Ph值:616. 365-2235
直接Ph: 616.365.2275
The PD Hub 提供s professional learning opportunities for all educators that are aligned to the Kent Intermediate 负责人 Association (KISA) Goals. Twice a month, we send out an electronic newsletter called 《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》, keeping educators informed about the hottest topics in education and upcoming PL opportunities. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your district.
Subscribe To the Bulletin
学习ing Forward Michigan Member
American Marketing Association Member
Digital Marketing Institute Member
Ph: 616.365.2284
I plan and produce professional learning programs, frequently working in collaboration with other uedbet官网ISD and contracted consultants, as well as work with groups using uedbet官网ISD facilities to 提供 professional learning/training, ex. Kent Reading Council and Odyssey of the Mind. I also work with special professional learning projects, such as Groundswell (Environmental 科学/Place-based 学习ing). Please contact me with questions about the content of workshops, SCECHs or graduate credit, 主持人的信息, your professional learning needs, presenter availability to your building/district, 计划中的未来发行, and your suggestions for future professional learning at uedbet官网ISD.
In addition to 专业学习, contact me with your questions about 拼字比赛, Kent Academically Talented Youth Program (ATYP), 有天赋的 & Talented, New Teacher requirements, and We the People (Center for Civic Education).
电话: 616.365.2235
PD Hub传真: 616.364.1489
电子邮件: pdhub@jiefangjunjunkao.com
地点: ESC Building, 2930 Knapp NE, 大急流城, MI 49525 (停在11号地段) map
1. If a participant's local district is closed and uedbet官网ISD Educational Service Center is open, course(s) will still be held and 退款 will not be issued.
2. All virtual courses will still run unless you are notified otherwise by email from uedbet官网ISD.
3. If uedbet官网ISD Educational Service Center is closed; all in person course(s) are cancelled. Verify building closings: 616.365.2234